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Motherwort Tincture

Motherwort offers a maternal calmness: gentle, but fierce, grounding and nourishing.


Motherwort’s Latin name, Leonurus cardiaca, means "lion hearted’’ inspired by its calming and regulating effect on the heart. A balm for nervous anxiety in the chest that grips around the heart or prevents you from taking a deep breath. Motherwort balances mind and emotion and helps to ease aggravation.


This pink flowering herb is especially beloved by those with a uterus, as it gently strengthens the reproductive system, soothes menstrual and menopausal stress, supports healthy cardiovascular function and eases stress due to overwork.


Motherwort has a long history of use around ovulation pain, menstrual headaches, mood imbalances, and menstrual irritability.


With its bitter and cooling actions, Motherwort also makes a powerful ally during perimenopause. Helping to decrease hot flashes, dispel anger and irritability, ease headaches, and stimulate the liver to filter hormones.



Motherwort, as a tonic herb, should be taken daily for 3 or more months to revitalize the body.



* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Before using any herbs, check for appropriate dosage, drug interactions, and contraindications. Please consult your primary care physician regarding your specific health concerns.

Motherwort Tincture

  • 2 ounce bottle, made in ceremony.


    Ingredients: Freshly harvested Leonurus Cardiaca whole blooming plant, organic cane alcohol, + spring water.


    Take with Intention: 

    1 dropperful under the tongue or in a small amount of water, 2-4x daily.


    How to Take with Intention?

    As with all herbal medicines, it is best to start with a low dose and slowly work up to a full therapeutic or nutritional dose. This allows the body to adjust to the particular plant energetics, and, if one pays attention, is a way to determine whether it is the right remedy for you.


    Before ingesting, and as I shake the bottle, I always call the plant being into my mind and heart to thank and further connect with the plant. 


    Ways to heal with Motherwort?

    Support for: The endocrine system. A healthy menstrual cycle. The heart and nervous system. Traditionally taken to calm the nerves, restore nourishment, and reduce tension. I find that this is a truly healing herb for those who need self-mothering and for those who had a troubled relationship with their mother.



    Motherwort’s latin name, Leonurus cardiaca, is from the Greek leon (lion), ouros (tail), and cardiaca (of the heart). Which reveals to us the history of Motherwort’s common name, Lion’s Heart. In Europe, the name Motherwort, has a literal translation of Mother-herb.


    Safety Considerations?

    Avoid use during pregnancy or acute infections. Motherwort may interfere with cardiovascular medications, please consult your doctor before use if you take pharmaceutical medications. 


    Energetics + Taste?

    Bitter, spicy and cooling.


    How to store?

    Please keep out of direct sunlight. You can store your tincture in a cool, dark place and consume within 2-4 years.

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